Louisville's biggest day of giving is just around the corner! Can we count on your support?
Community is a critical component of everything our organization does. We recognize community as an integral part of happiness and health—one of the building blocks to a fulfilling life. That's why we don't operate day programs or staffed residences, why we strive to break down the walls that keep people with disabilities isolated and separate. We believe everyone deserves an opportunity to belong to, contribute to, and be supported by community.
We also know Mattingly Edge can't continue to do all we do without our amazing community of supporters. The gap between what Medicaid covers and what it actually takes to support someone to live a fulfilling and productive life is no joke. In the past, we raised over $50,000 in one day, crucial funds that helped change lives. Will you help us meet our goal of $40,000 this year?

You can help us reach our goal by:

Make a donation any time on Thursday, Sept. 14, between midnight and 11:59 PM by clicking here.

Becoming a Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser
Last year, over half of our funds were raised by supporters like you who fundraised on behalf of our cause! Watch this quick video to learn more. Click here to signup as a P2P fundraiser! The peer-to-peer fundraiser who raises the most funds, will win a two-night stay at a lovely cabin in Red River Gorge! Check out the listing here!

Spreading the Word!
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