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Frequently Asked Questions
Does Mattingly Edge only support people with specific disabilities?No. We support people with mild to severe impact of intellectual and developmental disability. Some people we support have no medical needs and some require a lot of physical care. People partner well with us based on shared vision and values, not because they fall into a specific level of care need.
Do you support people with physical disabilities or intellectual disabilities?Mattingly Edge supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. However, many of the people we support also experience physical disability as well.
Do you support children with disabilities?We support individuals ages 18 and older. People we partner with never "age out" of our services.
Can Mattingly Edge start working with me if I’m still in high school?Yes. Knowing that it takes up to 6 months to create services, we find it is best to explore service options during your senior year of high school.
Where do I have to live in order to be eligible for Mattingly Edge’s services?We currently serve residents of Jefferson County in Louisville, Kentucky.
What Medicaid waiver services do you provide?All of the services Mattingly Edge provides are one-on-one services. These services include: Personal Assistance, Community Access, Homemaking, Personal Care, Supported Employment, and Community Living Supports.
How do the people you support pay for your services?Most of the people we support use Medicaid Waivers to pay for services. Mattingly accepts Supports for Community Living (SCL) and Michelle P. waivers. We also accept private pay.
Do I have any control over who is providing support for me?Yes. The people we support are part of the hiring process for their support teams. They interview every potential new team member and have the power to veto. They can also decide a supporter is not a good match for their team at any time. People should retain autonomy in choosing the best supporters that work for them.
My family is an important part of my support network. How involved can they expect to be with Mattingly’s supports?Family and allies can expect to be hands-on, especially during the initial support-building process. We enjoy supporting family members and friends to occupy caregiving roles less so they can focus on just being family or friends.
Does Mattingly Edge provide PRN/supplementary support or respite services?No. We are not an on-call service. Mattingly Edge partners with individuals who are invested in making robust changes in their lives. We do not provide supplementary supports. Our services are designed to help individuals live as independently as possible, diminishing their reliance on family supports.
Do you provide residential services?No. We support people to own or rent their own homes. We believe it's important that people can enjoy the privileges and responsibilities of having dominion over their own living space. Click here to learn more about our approach to housing.
If I move into a home of my own, will I be by myself?"Living in a home of one’s own is different for everyone. Some people need 24-hour support while others can be on their own. Some people need a lot of support but can and prefer to go several hours without support. It all depends on the individual. Your level of support needs should not dictate whether you have your own living space.
How soon can I expect to begin receiving services from Mattingly Edge?Building a support system can take up to 4-6 months. While we can immediately begin the process of building that system, it does take time to build robust services.
Your website says Mattingly Edge is an “employment first” organization. What does that mean?Mattingly Edge believes everyone should have a chance to contribute to their community. Many people contribute to their communities through paid employment, and we believe this should be no different for people with disabilities. We view paid employment as the preferred and most societally valued first option for how people with disabilities spend their days. Click here to learn more.
What is Social Role Valorization (SRV)?From “The application of empirical knowledge to the shaping of current or potential social roles of a party—primarily by means of enhancement of the party’s competences & image—so that these are, as much as possible, positively valued in the eyes of the perceivers.” “A basic tenet of role-valorizing efforts is the notion that the good things any society has to offer are more easily accessible to people who have valued social roles. Conversely, people who have devalued social roles, or very few or marginally valued ones, have a much harder time obtaining the good things of life available to those with valued social status. Therefore valued social roles and the positive status that typically attends them are a key to obtaining the benefits inherent in any given culture.” Click here to learn more.

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